FFSL Methods of Contact

Main website: http://www.fflorain.bank
Mortgage application website: https://firstfedlorain.mortgagewebcenter.com/
- For support call the main office and ask for loan origination (440) 282-6188
FFSL will never text you directly, but you should setup text alerts.
You may receive texts from mobile banking regarding balance inquiry or alerts you set up.
- The text identifier is 48179. Texts will only come from 48179. See SMiShing Texts.
- The texts will never compel you to call a number or to supply additional personal information.
- See sample texts below.
FFSL will never ask you to enter or give account information to an automated phone system outside of telephone banking.
- You should always be suspicious of requests for personal banking information.
Credit/Debit Card Calls
FFSL does only has robo/automated calling related to Credit and Debit card transactions.
- The calls originate from (877) 223-5306 and at times, may be live operators.
What are those calls like?
Robo-caller or operator will identify as First Federal Savings of Lorain
They will describe the transaction for a card ending in XXXX
They will ask you to verify your last 3 transactions in order to allow new transactions
You will be asked to respond in the affirmative to the past transactions and new transactions
Online Banking Email
FFSL may email you from your online banking product, but the email will not include links to websites.
You should configure email alerts.
- When in doubt call us.
- The emails may include phone numbers to call which will most likely be an 800 number or a published number.
- The email will never ask you to reply.
- The email will never have an attachment.
- The email will not include active links.
- It may include an advisement to go to the website for information, but not a link.
- Email alerts about your accounts will usually come from customersupport@FFLorain.bank.
- Click Here to View Online Banking Email Alert Configuration.
- Click Here to View Online Banking Sample Alert Email.
eStatement Email
You must opt-in to receive eStatement notices. Once enrolled you will receive eStatement availability notices by email.
- The email will come from customersupport@FFLorain.bank.
- Click Here to View eStatement Sample Notice Email.
Credit Card Email
- You may configure email alerts for your credit card by enrolling at this website.
- Once enrolled you will manage the site here.
- Click Here to View Credit Card Email Alerts Configuration.
- Click Here to View Credit Card Sample Alert Email.
Mortgage Application Email
If you filled out a mortgage application on our website you will possibly receive an email from one of our loan officers.
- The email from address will look like this jsdaoe@FFLorain.bank and be sent to the email you provided in your application.
- You can find our loan officers and their contact information here.
- When in doubt call our Main Office at (440) 282-6188.
FFSL may call you individually from approved numbers, but if you were not expecting the call, you should always call back a known number, which is listed below.
Calls from FFSL will originate from these numbers, and you should call these numbers to verify identity or suspicious activity.
- Main Office: (440) 282-6188
- Homewood Office: (440) 277-5809
- Huron Office: (419) 433-2437
- Port Clinton Office: (419) 734-5568
- Amherst Office: (440) 984-4009
- Avon Office: (440) 934-3340
- You may receive calls from FFSL about credit/debit card fraud. That number is (877) 223-5306.
- If you filled out a mortgage application, you may receive a call from loan officer from a number listed above.
- We offer Verified by VISA for your credit cards.
- This feature helps you stay safe while shopping online.
- Click here to learn more.